序号 | 姓名 | 成果种类 | 级别 | 成果名称(内容) | 刊物或出版社名称 | 时间 |
| 巩增泰 郭晓斌 史战红 肖志勇 邵亚斌 | 奖励 | B | 知识获取与融合的数学理论及其应用模型研究 | 甘肃省2013年度自然科学三等奖 | 2013 |
| 高承华 冯慧芳 | 奖励 | B | 全国大学生数学建模竞赛 | 全国二等奖 | 2013.11 |
| 崔少军 周韶林 | 奖励 | D | 全国大学生数学建模竞赛 | 甘肃赛区二等奖 | 2013.11 |
| 韩琦 杨小东 | 奖励 | D | 全国大学生数学建模竞赛 | 甘肃赛区二等奖 | 2013.11 |
序号 | 姓名 | 成果种类 | 级别 | 成果名称(内容) | 刊物或出版社名称 | 时间 |
| 陈祥恩 程辉 乔虎生 刘仲奎 | 编著教材 | A | 高等代数专题选讲 | 中国科学技术出版社 | 2013年5月 |
序号 | 姓名 | 级别 | 成果名称(内容) | 刊物或出版社名称 | 时间 |
| 陈祥恩 马春燕(第1研究生) 陈祥恩 杨芳 姚兵 | A2 | On the adjacent vertex distinguishing proper edge colorings of several classes of complete 5-partite graphs | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2013, Vols. 333-335, pp 1452-1455 |
| 陈祥恩 高毓平 姚兵 | A2 | Not necessarily proper total colourings which are adjacent vertex distinguishing | International Journal of Computer Mathematics | 2013, http://dx.doi.org /10.1080/00207160.2013.786829 |
| 陈祥恩 马彦荣 杨芳 马春燕 姚兵 | A2 | Vertex-distinguishing total coloring of mC5 | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2013, 321-324 578-581 |
| 代国伟 | A1 | Bifurcation and nodal solutions for p-Laplacian problems with non-asymptotic nonlinearity at 0 or ∞ | Applied Mathematics Letters | 26 (2013) 46-50 |
| 代国伟 | A1 | Notes on symmetric and monotonic solutions of a nonlocal diffusive logistic equation | Applied Mathematics Letters | 26 (2013) 804-806 |
| 代国伟 | A2 | Global bifurcation from intervals for Sturm-Liouville problems which are not linearizable | Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ. | 65(2013) 1-7 |
| 代国伟 廖昕(第1研究生) 代国伟 | A2 | Unilateral global bifurcation for p-Laplacian with singular weight | Journal of Inequalities and Applications | 2013,577 |
| 代国伟 韩晓玲 | A2 | Global bifurcation and nodal solutions for fourth-order problems with sign-changing weight | Appl. Math. Comput. | 219(2013) 9399-9407 |
| 代国伟 马如云 路燕琼 | A1 | Bifurcation From Infinity And Nodal Solutions Of Quasi-Linear Problems Without The Signum Condition | Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications | 2013.397.1 119-123 |
| 代国伟 马如云 徐嘉 | A2 | Global bifurcation and nodal solutions of N-dimensional p-Laplacian in unit ball | Applicable Analysis | 92(7)(2013) 1345-1356 |
| 代国伟 马如云 王海燕 | A2 | Eigenvalues, bifurcation and one-sign solutions for the periodic p-Laplacian | Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis | 12(2013) 2839-2872 |
| 代国伟 马如云 | A2 | Global branching for discontinuous problems involving the p-Laplacian | E. J. Differential Equations | 44 (2013) 1-10 |
| 代国伟 马如云 | A2 | Global bifurcation, Berestycki’s conjecture and one-sign solutions for p-Laplacia | Nonlinear Analysis | 91(2013),51-59 |
| 杜小妮 李旭(第1研究生) 杜小妮 张记 王彩芬 | A2 | 针对 WSN 流密码加密方案的代数攻击及改进 | 计算机工程 | 2013,39(3) 142-145 |
| 杜小妮 陈智雄 | A2 | A generalization of the Hall‘s sextic residue sequences | Information Sciences | 2013,222 784-794 |
| 伏升茂 李晓娟(第1硕士生) 伏升茂 | A2 | Global stability of the virus dynamics model with intracellular delay and Crowley–Martin functional response | Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences | 2013, DOI: 10.1002/ mma.2895 |
| 伏升茂 焦玉娟 唐仲伟 | A1 | Multi-bump bound states for a nonlinear Schrödinger system with electromagnetic fields | Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications | 2013,404(2) 239-259 |
| 伏升茂 刘吉 | A2 | A Mathematical Characterization for Patterns of a Keller-Segel Model with a Cubic Source Term | Advances in Mathematical Physics | 2013, Article ID 934745, 11 pages |
| 伏升茂 刘吉 | A2 | Spatial pattern formation in the Keller-Segel model with a logistic source | Computers and Mathematics with Applications | 2013,66(3) 403-417 |
| 伏升茂 屈菲 | A2 | Global asymptotic behavior of a nonautonomous competitor- competitor-mutualist model | Abstract and Applied Analysis | 2013, Article ID 812357, 8 pages |
| 伏升茂 张丽娜 胡萍 | A2 | Global behavior of solutions in a Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model with prey-stage structure | Nonlinear Analysis: RWA | 2013,14(5) 2027-2045 |
| 巩增泰 陈莉(第1研究生) 巩增泰 段刚 | A2 | Genetic algorithm optimization for determining fuzzy measures from fuzzy data | Journal of Applied Mathematics | 2013, Article ID 542153, 11 pages |
| 巩增泰 刘坤(第1研究生) 巩增泰 | A2 | Numerical solution of fully fuzzy linear matrix equations | Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications | 2013,15(6) 1026-1035 |
| 巩增泰 刘坤 | A2 | The Generalized LR-Fuzzy Numbers and its Application in Fully Fuzzy Linear Systems | Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications | 2013,15(1) 133-141 |
| 巩增泰 赵伟 齐颖 陶蕾 | A2 | Similarity and ( | Knowledge-Based Systems | 2013,53 185-200 |
| 郭晓斌 尚德泉 郭晓斌 | A2 | Adams predictor-corrector systems for solving fuzzy differential equations | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2013, Article ID 312328, 18 pages |
| 郭晓斌 尚德泉 卢小泉 | A2 | Fuzzy approximate solutions of second-order fuzzy linear boundary value problems | Boundary Value Problems | Sep. 2013, Article ID 6106091341, 18 pages |
| 郭晓斌 尚德泉 | A2 | Fuzzy symmetric solutions of linear fuzzy matrix equations | International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology | 2013,5, 196-204 |
| 郭晓斌 尚德泉 | A2 | Approximate solutions of LR fuzzy Sylvester matrix equations | Journal of Applied Mathematics | 2013, Article ID 752760, 10 pages |
| 郭晓斌 尚德泉 | A2 | Fuzzy approximate solutions of positive fully fuzzy linear matrix equations | Journal of Applied Mathematics | 2013, Article ID 178209, 7 pages |
| 郭晓斌 尚德泉 | A2 | Approximate solution of nth-order fuzzy linear differential equations | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2013, Article ID 406240, 11 pages |
| 李宝麟 | A2 | Averaging for a Class of Discontinuous Systems | DEStech publications.Inc ISBN:987-60595-142-3 | 2013.11 |
| 李宝麟 | A2 | Averaging for Measure Differential Equations | DEStech publications.Inc ISBN:987-60595-142-3 | 2013.11 |
| 李宝麟 | A2 | Periodic Solutions of Generalized Linear Ordinary Differential Equations with Measures as Coefficients | DEStech publications.Inc ISBN:987-60595-142-3 | 2013.11 |
| 李永祥 陈鹏玉(第1研究生) 李永祥 杨和 | A2 | Perturbation method for nonlocal impulsive evolution equations | Nonlinear Analysis | 2013.99.12.31 |
| 李永祥 陈鹏玉(第1研究生) 李永祥 | A2 | Nonlocal problem for fractional evolution equations of mixed type with the measure of noncompactness | Abstract and Applied Analysis | 2013, Article ID 784816 |
| 李永祥 陈鹏玉(第1研究生) 李永祥 杨和 | A2 | Perturbation method for nonlocal impulsive evolution equations | Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems | 2013, 8(1): 22-30 |
| 李永祥 陈鹏玉(第1研究生) 李永祥 | A2 | Monotone Iterative Technique for a Class of Semilinear Evolution Equations with Nonlocal Conditions | Results in Mathematics | 2013, 63(3-4) 731-744 |
| 李永祥 梁秋燕 | A2 | Existence results for a fully fourth-order boundary value problem | Journal of Function Spaces and Applications | 2013, Article ID 641617 |
| 刘信生 刘元元 姚兵 缑艳 | A2 | Labelling Properties of Special Models Related With Networks | Advanced Materials Research | 2013, 2974-2977 |
| 刘仲奎 任伟(第1研究生) 刘仲奎 | A1 | Cotorsion dimension of unbounded complexes | Communications in Algebra | 2013,41 1-15 |
| 刘仲奎 杨刚(第1研究生) 刘仲奎 梁力 | A1 | Model structures on categories of complexes over Ding-Chen rings | Communications in Algebra | 2013,41 50-69 |
| 刘仲奎 吴德军(第1研究生) 刘仲奎 | A1 | On restricted injective dimensions of complexes | Communications in Algebra | 2013,41 462-470 |
| 刘仲奎 杨刚(第1研究生) 刘仲奎 梁力 | A2 | Ding Projective and Ding Injective Modules | Algebra Colloquium | 2013,20(4) 601-612 |
| 刘仲奎 任伟(第1研究生) 刘仲奎 杨刚 | A2 | Derived categories with respect to Ding modules | Journal of Algebra and Its Applications | 2013,12(6) 1350021 |
| 刘仲奎 卢博(第1研究生) 刘仲奎 | A2 | Relative injectivity and flatness of complexes | 2013,36(2) 343-362 | |
| 马巧珍 马文君(第1研究生) 马巧珍 | A2 | Attractors for Stochastic Strongly Damped Plate Equations with Additive Noise, Electron | Electron.J.Diff.Equ. | 2013, 111 |
| 马巧珍 杨云 张晓亮 | A2 | Existence of exponential attractors for the Plate equations with strong damping | Electron.J.Diff.Equ. | 2013,114 |
| 马如云 路燕琼(第1研究生) 马如云 | A2 | Reverse-Order Lower and Upper Functions for Periodic Problems of Second-Order Singular Difference Equations | Abstract and Applied Analysis | 2013, Article ID 176465, 5 pages |
| 马如云 陈瑞鹏(第1研究生) 马如云 | A2 | Global bifurcation of positive radial solutions for an elliptic system in reactor dynamics | Comput. Math. Appl. | 2013,65(8) 1119-1128 |
| 马如云 陈瑞鹏 李杰梅 | A1 | 非线性Neumann问题正解的存在性 | 数学学报 | 2013,56(3) |
| 马如云 代国伟 | A2 | Global bifurcation and nodal solutions for a Sturm- Liouville problem with a nonsmooth nonlinearity | Journal of Functional Analysis | 2013,265 1443-1459 |
| 马如云 高承华 | A1 | Bifurcation of positive solutions of a nonlinear discrete fourth-order boundary value problem | Z. Angew. Math. Phys | 2013,64(3) 493-506 |
| 马如云 高承华 路燕琼 | A2 | Spectrum of Discrete Second-Order Neumann Boundary Value Problems with Sign-Changing Weight | Abstract and Applied Analysis | 2013, Article ID 280508, 10 pages |
| 马如云 刘喜兰 徐嘉 | A2 | Nodal Solutions of the p-Laplacian with Sign-Changing Weight | Abstract and Applied Analysis | 2013, Article ID 406350, 8 pages |
| 马如云 路燕琼 Ahmed Abubaker | A2 | On positive solutions to equations involving the one-dimensional p-Laplacian | Boundary Value Problems | 2013,125 |
| 马如云 孙晋易 Mohammed Elsanosi | A2 | Sign-changing solutions of second order dirichlet problem with impulse effects | Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis | 2013,20 241-251 |
| 马如云 王海燕 Mohammed Elsanosi | A2 | Spectrum of a linear fourth-order differential operator and its applications | Math. Nachr. | 2013,286, No.17-18 1805-1819 |
| 马如云 谢春杰 Ahmed Abubaker | A2 | Positive solutions of the one-dimensional p-Laplacian with nonlinearity defined on a finite interval | Abstract And Applied Analysis | 2013, Art. ID 492026, 6 pp. |
| 马如云 杨变霞 王珍燕 | A2 | Positive periodic solutions of first-order delay differential equations with impulses | 2013,219(11) 6074-6083 | |
| 乔虎生 谢宗阳 | A2 | Strongly W-Gorenstein modules | Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal | 2013, 63(138) 441-449 |
| 任伟 刘仲奎 | A1 | Cotorsion dimension of unbounded complexes | Communications in Algebra | 2013,41 4378-4392 |
| 任伟 刘仲奎 | A2 | Derived categories with respect to Ding modules | Journal of Algebra and Its Applications | 2013,12(6) |
| 陶双平 魏喜梅(第1研究生) 陶双平 | A2 | Boundedness for Parametrized Litttlewood-Paley Operators with Rough Kernels on Weighted Weak Hardy Spaces | Abstract and Applied Analysis | 2013, Article ID 651941, 15 pages |
| 陶双平 任转喜(第1研究生) 陶双平 | A2 | Weighted estimates for commutators of n-dimensional rough Hardy operators | Journal of Function Spaces and Applications | 2013, Article ID 568202, 13 pages |
| 汪璇 居文超 钟承奎# | A2 | 具有衰退记忆的非自治非经典扩散方程的强吸引子 | 数学年刊 | 2013,34A(6) 671-688 |
| 王才士 张继红 | A2 | Localization of quantum Bernoulli noises | Journal of Mathematical Physics | 2013,54,103502 |
| 王占平 刘仲奎 | A2 | Complete cotorsion pairs in the category of complexes | Turkish Journal of Mathematics | 2013,37 852-862 |
| 肖鸿民 李泽慧 刘卫玮 | A2 | The Finite time Ruin Probability of a New Risk Model Based on Entrance Process | Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods | 2013,42(2) 336-345 |
| 熊向团 韩耀宗 | A1 | Regularization error analysis on a one-dimensional inverse heat conduction problem in multi-layer domain | Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering | 2013,21 865-887 |
| 熊向团 李明 王明清 | A2 | A one-stage meshless method for nonhomogeneous Cauchy problems of elliptic partial differential equations with variable coefficients | Journal of Engineering Mathematics | 2013,80 189-200 |
| 熊向团 赵晓琛 王俊霞 | A2 | Spectral Galerkin method and its application to a Cauchy problem of Helmholtz equation | Numerical Algorithms | 2013,63 691-711 |
| 杨和 梁玥 | A2 | Positive solutions for the initial value problem of fractional evolution equations | Abstract and Applied Analysis | 2013, Article ID 428793,7 pages |
| 杨和 梁玥 陈鹏玉 | A2 | Existence and uniqueness of solutions for fourth-order periodic boundary value problems under two-parameter nonresonance conditions | Boundary Value Problems | 2013,14 |
| 杨晓燕 | A1 | Notes on proper class of triangles | Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series | 2013,29 2137-2154 |
| 杨晓燕,刘仲奎 | A2 | DG-projective, injective and flat complexes | Algebra Colloq. | 2013,20,155-162 |
| 杨晓燕,赵建莲 | A1 | Gorenstein flat and cotorsion dimensions of unbounded complexes | Comm. Algebra | 2013,41 2978-2990 |
| 姚兵 周向前(第1研究生) 姚兵 陈祥恩 | A2 | Every lobster is odd-elegant | Information Processing Letters | 2013.11.1 |
| 姚兵 王宏宇(第1硕士生) 姚兵 杨超 杨思华 陈祥恩 | A2 | Labelling Properties Of Models Related with Complex Networks Based On Constructible Structures | Advanced Materials Research | 2013,Vols 765-767 1118-1123 |
| 姚兵 王宏宇(第1硕士生) 姚兵 杨超 杨思华 陈祥恩 姚明 赵振学 | A2 | Edge-Magic Total Labellings Of Some Network Models | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2013,Vols 347-350 2752-2757 |
| 姚兵 周向前(第1硕士生) 姚兵 陈祥恩 | A2 | Every Lobster Is Odd-elegant | Information Processing Letters | 2013,113 30-33. |
| 姚兵 周向前(第1硕士生) 姚兵 姚明 陈祥恩 | A2 | On Odd-gracefulness of All Symmetric Trees | JCMCC(Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, ISSN:8353-3026) | 2013,87 |
| 姚兵 陈祥恩 镡松龄# | A2 | On Equitable Vertex Distinguishing Edge Colorings Of Trees | Acta Mathematica Scientis, English Series (数学物理学报) | 2013,33B(3) 621-630 |
| 姚兵 陈祥恩 姚明 程辉 | A2 | On (k,lamda)-magically total labeling of graphs | JCMCC (Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, ISSN:8353-3026) | 2013,87 |
| 姚兵 杨超 姚明 王宏宇 陈祥恩 张小敏 李模刚 | A2 | Graphs As Models of Scale-free Networks | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2013,Vol.380-384 |
| 姚兵 张家娟 周向前 陈祥恩 张小敏 姚明 李模刚 | A2 | Induced Total Labellings of Models as Scale-free Networks. Communications and Network | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2013,Vo. 513-517 |
| 姚兵 张忠辅 | A2 | On Defected Colorings of Graphs | Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series | 2013,29(4) |
| 张贵仓 何振学(第1硕士生) 张贵仓 谯钧 杨林英 | A2 | 对称核主成分分析及其在人脸识别中的应用 | 计算机工程 | 2013,39(3) 174-177,181 |
| 张国宝 李万同# | A1 | Nonlinear stability of traveling wavefronts in an age-structured population model with nonlocal dispersal and delay | Z. Angew. Math. Phys | 2013,64 1643-1659 |
| 张丽娜 伏升茂 | A2 | Nonlinear Instability for a Leslie-Gower Predator-Prey Model with Cross Diffusion | Abstract and Applied Analysis | 2013,Article ID 854862,13 pages |
| 周韶林 韩晓玲 | A2 | Positive Solutions of a Singular Third-Order m-Point Boundary Value Problem | Journal of Function Spaces and Applications | 2013, Article ID 567970,6 pages |
序号 | 姓名 | 成果名称(内容) | 刊物或出版社名称 | 时间 |
| 陈祥恩 杨芳(第1研究生) 王治文 陈祥恩 马春燕 | 完全图和星的合成的点可区别正常边染色 | 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 2013,(5):136-143 |
| 陈祥恩 马彦荣 | Vertex-distinguishing total colorings of 2Cn | Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics | 2013,28 (3) 323-330 |
| 陈祥恩 王治文 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2013,48 (06) pp.18-22 | |
| 高校应用数学学报A辑 | 2013,28(2) 211-221 | ||
| 代国伟 | 非光滑泛函的局部C1(Omega) -极小对W1,p(x)(/Omega) –极小 | 数学物理学报 | 33A (3)(2013) 424-430 |
| 代国伟 李晓燕 | On Nonlocal Elliptic Systems of p(x)-Kirchhoff-Type under Neumann Boundary Condition | Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications | 33(4)(2013) 443-450 |
| 杜小妮 张记(第1研究生) 杜小妮 李旭 林纪坡 | 安全的无线传感器网络密钥预分配方案 | 计算机应用 | 2013,33(7) 1851-1853,1874 |
| 冯慧芳 赵亮 陈媛媛 | 基于信道状态的WiMAX系统实时调度算法 | 计算机应用研究 | 2013,30(1) 224-226 |
| 伏升茂 曹怀火(第1硕士生) 李海燕 伏升茂 | 基于混合加速粒子群算法的捕食者-食饵模型参数估计 | 生物数学学报 | 2013,3 553-557 |
| 巩增泰 齐颖 | 基于Archimedean三角模的广义直觉模糊不确定语言变量集成方法 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2013,48(3) 53-63 |
| 巩增泰 王芳弟 | Vague集的扩展及其在模糊近似空间中的粗糙近似 | 工程数学学报 | 2013,30(5) 683-694 |
| 郭晓斌 巩增泰 | 一类二阶模糊线性微分方程边值问题的模糊近似解 | 模糊系统与数学 | 2013,27(3), June. 2013 |
| 韩晓玲 黄娟娟(第1研究生) 韩晓玲 高承华 | 分数阶混合差分方程边值问题解的存在性 | 四川大学学报(自然科学版) | 2013,50(6) 1119-1204 |
| 韩晓玲 卢整智(第1研究生) 韩晓玲 | 四川大学学报(自然科学版) | 2013,50(1) 23-28 | |
| 李宝麟 卢金芳(第1研究生) 李宝麟 | ω-Periodic Solutions to Initial Value Problem for Linear Impulsive Differential Equations | Chinese Journal Of Engineering Mathematics | 2013,30(6) 911-922 |
| 李宝麟 王佳 | 一类滞后脉冲微分方程有界变差解的存在性 | 河北师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 2013,37(3) 226-232 |
| 刘信生 缑艳 姚兵 刘元元 | 一类完全图生成的广义格子图的邻点可区别边染色 | 兰州大学学报(自然科学版) | 2013, 49(5) 700-703 |
| 刘信生 刘旺发 | 图的Smarandachely 邻点无圈边色数的一个上界 | 系统科学与数学 | 2013, 5 |
| 乔虎生 殷海艳 | On a new kind princiaplly weakly injective acts over monoids | 兰州大学学报(自然科学版) | 2013,49(5) 715-718 |
| 师海忠 | 互连网络的新模型:多部群论模型 | 计算机科学 | 2013, 40(9) 21-24 |
| 师海忠 | 几类新的笛卡尔乘积互连网络 | 计算机科学 | 2013,40(6A) 265-270,306 |
| 师海忠 王国亮(第1研究生) 师海忠 | 完全对换网络的限制连通度 | 运筹学学报 | 2013,17(3) 57-64 |
| 陶双平 任转喜(第1研究生) 陶双平 | n维分数次Hausdorff 高阶交换子的有界性 | 吉林大学学报(理学版) | 2013,51(5) 755-762 |
| 陶双平 魏喜梅 | 粗糙核 Littlewood-Paley 算子在加权 Morrey 空间上的有界性 | 兰州大学学报(自然科学版) | 2013,49(3) 400-404 |
| 颜荣芳 程永宏# 王彩霞 | 再制造闭环供应链最优差别定价模型 | 中国管理科学 | 2013,21(1) 90-97 |
| 姚兵 杨超(第1硕士生) 姚兵 王宏宇 | Generalized Petersen Graphs Admit Proper Total Colorings with Four Distinguishing Constraints | 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 2013, 6 |
| 姚兵 陈祥恩 | 不具有 3AP 整数集的一个新问题 | 数学物理学报 | 2013, 33A(1) |
| 张春霞 王利民 刘仲奎 | Gorenstein homological dimensions and Auslander categories with respect to a semidualizing module | Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications | 2013,33(3) 297-311 |
| 周韶林 | 一类Neumann边值问题正解的存在性 | 吉林大学学报(理学版) | 2013,51(6) 1046-1050 |