序号 | 姓名 | 成果 种类 | 级别 | 成果名称(内容) | 刊物或出版社名称 | 年、卷、期 或出版时间 |
1 | 陈鹏玉,张旭萍*, 李永祥 | 论文 | A1 | Study on fractional non-autonomous evolution equations with delay | Computers & Mathematics with Applications | 2017,73(5): 794-803 |
2 | 陈鹏玉,张旭萍, 李永祥 | 论文 | A1 | Iterative method for a new class of evolution equations with non-instantaneous impulses | Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics ISSN: 1027-5487 | 2017,21(4): 913-942 |
3 | 狄振兴 | 论文 | A1 | Relative singularity categories with respect to Gorenstein flat modules | Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series) | 2017,33(11) 1463-1476 |
4 | 狄振兴 | 论文 | A1 | Tilting subcategories with respect to cotorsion triples in abelian categories | Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics | 2017,147(4) 703-726 |
5 | 狄振兴*,张小向, 陈建龙 | 论文 | A1 | Gorenstein AC-projective dimension of unbounded complexes | Communications in Algebra | 2017,45(7), 2855-2866 |
6 | 杜小妮,李芝霞, 万韫琦,李晓丹 | 论文 | A1 | 基于费马商的r元序列的迹表示 | 电子学报 | 2017,45(10), 2439-2442 |
7 | 冯斌华 | 论文 | A1 | Averaging of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with highly oscillatory magnetic potentials | Nonlinear Analysis | 156 (2017), 275-285 |
8 | 巩增泰 邵亚斌(第1研究生) 巩增泰*,李娟 | 论文 | A1 | Controlled convergence theorems for infinite dimension Henstock integrals of fuzzy valued functions based on weak equi-integrability | Fuzzy Sets and Systems | 2017,327 69-97 |
9 | 巩增泰 杨宏(第1研究生) 巩增泰* | 论文 | A1 | Regularization solutions of ill-posed Helmholtz-type equations with fuzzy mixed boundary value | Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications | 2017,22(7) 1350-1360 |
10 | 李永祥,刘爱兰 | 论文 | A1 | 非线性边值问题正解存在性的特征值判据 | 数学学报 | 2017, 60(4): 631-640 |
11 | 刘建成*,杨超 | 论文 | A1 | Hypersurfaces in $E^{n+1}_s$ satisfying $ΔH=λH$ with at most two distinct principal curvatures | Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications | 2017, 451: 14-33 |
12 | 马巧珍 沈晓鹰(第1研究生) 马巧珍* | 论文 | A1 | Existence of random attractors for weakly dissipative plate equations with memory and additive white noise | Computers and Mathematics with Applications | 2017,73: 2258-2271 |
13 | 马如云*,徐嫚 | 论文 | A1 | Positive rotationally symmetric solutions for a Dirichlet problem involving the higher mean curvature operator in Minkowski space | Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, ISSN: 0022-247X | 2017, YJMAA: 21848 |
14 | 缪树鑫 曹阳(第1研究生) 缪树鑫,任志茹 | 论文 | A1 | On preconditioned generalized shift-splitting methods for saddle point problems | Computers & Mathematics with Applications, ISSN: 0898-1221 | 74 (2017) 859-872 2017.8.15 |
15 | 杨明华,傅尊伟, 孙晋易 | 论文 | A1 | Existence and Gevrey regularity for a two-species chemotaxis system in homogeneous Besov spaces | Science China-Mathematics ISSN:1674-7283; DOI:10.1007/s11425-016-0490-y | 2017, 60(10): 1837-1856 2017.10.1 |
16 | 杨明华,孙晋易* | 论文 | A1 | Gevrey regularity and existence of Navier-Stokes- Nernst-Planck-Poisson system in critical Besov spaces | Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, doi:10.3934/cpaa.2017078 | 2017,16(5): 1617-1639 |
17 | 王才士 陈金淑(第1研究生) 王才士* | 论文 | A1 | Linear stochastic Schrödinger equations in terms of quantum Bernoulli noises | Journal of Mathematical Physics | 2017,58(5) 文献号: 053510 |
18 | 王占平*,郭寿桃, 梁春丽 | 论文 | A1 | 三角范畴中Gorenstein对象的稳定性 | 中国科学,数学 ISSN 1674-7216, CN 11-5836/O1 | 2017,47(3), 349-356 |
19 | 温瑾,程俊凤 | 论文 | A1 | The method of fundamental solution for the inverse source problem for the space-fractional diffusion equation | Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering | 2017 |
20 | 杨晓燕 陈文静(第1研究生) 刘仲奎,杨晓燕* | 论文 | A1 | Singularity Categories with Respect to Ding Projective Modules | Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series | 2017,33 793-806 |
21 | 杨晓燕,陈文静 | 论文 | A1 | Relative homological dimensions and Tate cohomology of complexes with respect to cotorsion pairs | Communications in Algebra | 45(2017) 2875-2888 |
22 | 张国宝 田歌(第1研究生) 张国宝* | 论文 | A1 | Stability of traveling wavefronts for a discrete diffusive Lotka-Volterra competition system | Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications | 2017,447 222-242 |
23 | 赵仁育,丁南庆 | 论文 | A1 | (W,Y,X)-Gorenstein complexes | Communications in Algebra | 2017,45(7), 3075-3090 |
24 | 陈鹏玉, Ahmed Abdelmonem, 李永祥 | 论文 | A2 | Global existence and asymptotic stability of mild solutions for stochastic evolution equations with nonlocal initial conditions | Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, ISSN: 0897-3962 | 2017,29(2): 325-348 |
25 | 陈鹏玉,张旭萍, 李永祥 | 论文 | A2 | Approximation Technique for Fractional Evolution Equations with Nonlocal Integral Conditions | Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, ISSN: 1660-5446 | 2017,14(6): 226 |
26 | 陈祥恩 杨芳(第1研究生) 陈祥恩*,马春燕 | 论文 | A2 | On the vertex-distinguishing proper total colorings of complete p-partite graphs with equipotent parts | ARS Combinatoria | 2017,134: 233-249 |
27 | 杜小妮,万韫琦 | 论文 | A2 | Linear codes from quadratic forms | Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing | 2017,28(6), 535-547. |
28 | 冯斌华 | 论文 | A2 | Stability of the Hartree equation with time-dependent coefficients. | Boundary Value Problems | 2017, No.129 |
29 | 冯慧芳,王俊霞, 张俊鹏王 | 论文 | A2 | Time Evolution of the Importance of Nodes in VANET Based on Temporal Networks | 2017 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications Chengdu,China,Dec. 13-15,2017, pp. 1210-1214 | 2017 |
30 | 冯慧芳,张俊鹏, 王俊霞 | 论文 | A2 | Dynamic Analysis of VANET Using Temporal Reachability Graph | 2017 17th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology Chengdu,China,Oct 27-30,2017, pp. 783-787 | 2017 |
31 | (伏升茂) 曹怀火(第1研究生) | 论文 | A2 | A New Analysis Method for Chemotaxis-Induced Instability in Multispecies Host-Parasitoid Systems | Advances in Mathematical Physics https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/968501 | 2017,Article ID 9685013, 6 pages |
32 | 伏升茂 黄凯刚(第1研究生) 蔡永丽,饶凤, 伏升茂*,王玮明 | 论文 | A2 | Positive steady states of a density-dependent predator- prey model with diffusion | Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B | 2017, 22(11): 1-21 doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2017209 |
33 | 高承华*,马如云, 张飞 | 论文 | A2 | Spectrum of discrete left definite Sturm- Liouville problems with eigenparameter- dependent boundary conditions | Linear & Multilinear Algebra, ISSN: 0308-1087 (Print) 1563-5139 (Online) DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2016.1265061 | 2017,65(9): 1905-1923 |
34 | 高承华*,张飞, 马如云 | 论文 | A2 | Existence of Positive Solutions of Second-order Periodic Boundary Value Problems with Sign-Changing Green’s Function | Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, ISSN:0168-9673, DOI: 10.1007/s10255-017-0657-2 | 2017,33(2) 263-268 |
35 | 巩增泰,张晓霞 | 论文 | A2 | The further investigation of variable precision intuitionistic fuzzy rough set model | International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics | 2017,8(5) 1565-1584 |
36 | 巩增泰,王倩 | 论文 | A2 | On the connection of fuzzy hypergraph with fuzzy information system | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | 2017,33 1665-1676 |
37 | 巩增泰,王倩 | 论文 | A2 | Some Operations on Fuzzy Hypergraphs | ARS Combinatoria | 2017,132 203-217 |
38 | (郭晓斌) 尚德泉,李京伦, 郭晓斌* | 论文 | A2 | Fuzzy minimal solution of dual fully fuzzy matrix equations | Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation and Modelling | 2017年12月 |
39 | 郭晓斌*,韩彦龙 | 论文 | A2 | Further investigation to dual fuzzy matrix equation | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | 33(2017) 2617-2629 2017年9月 |
40 | 郭晓斌*,张科 | 论文 | A2 | Solving fuzzy matrix equation with the form XA=B | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | 32 (2017) 2771-2778 |
41 | 韩晓玲*,杨小娟 | 论文 | A2 | Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for a system of fractional differential equation with parameters | Boundary Value Problems | 2017:78, DOI 10.1186/s13661-017-0808-7 |
42 | 李宝麟 苟海德(第1研究生) 李宝麟* | 论文 | A2 | Local and global existence of mild solution to impulsive fractional semilinear integro-differential epuation with noncompact semigroup | Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation | 2017,42 204-214 |
43 | 李宝麟, 苟海德 | 论文 | A2 | Existence Results of Mild Solutions for Impulsive Fractional Evolution Equations with Periodic Boundary Condition | International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation | 2017,18(7-8), 585-598 |
44 | 李宝麟, 苟海德 | 论文 | A2 | Existence of solutions for impulsive fractional evolution equations with periodic boundary condition | Adv. Difference Equ. | 2017, Paper No. 236, 22 pp. |
45 | 李宝麟, 苟海德 | 论文 | A2 | Existence of solutions for impulsive fractional integrodifferential equations with mixed boundary conditions | Adv. Difference Equ. | 2017, Paper No. 218, 19 pp. |
46 | 李宝麟 苟海德(第1研究生) 李宝麟 | 论文 | A2 | Existence of mild solutions for fractional nonautonomous evolution equations of Sobolev type with delay | J. Inequal. Appl. | 2017, Paper No. 252, 20 pp. |
47 | 李永祥 张旭萍(第1研究生) 李永祥,陈鹏玉 | 论文 | A2 | Existence of extremal mild solutions for the initial value problem of evolution equations with non-instantaneous impulses | Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications | 2017, 19(4): 3013-3027 |
48 | 李永祥 张旭萍(第1研究生) 李永祥 | 论文 | A2 | Existence of solutions for delay evolution equations with nonlocal conditions | Open Mathematics | 2017, 15: 616-627 |
49 | 李永祥,郭兰珺 | 论文 | A2 | Odd periodic solutions of fully second order ordinary differential equations with superlinear nonlinearities | Journal of Function Spaces | Volume 2017, Article ID 4247365 |
50 | 李永祥,李嫣红 | 论文 | A2 | Positive Solutions of a Third-Order Boundary Value Problem with Full Nonlinearity | Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics | 2017, 14(3): No. 28 |
51 | 刘雪艳,郑等凤 | 论文 | A2 | 基于属性的环签密方案在PHR 云中的应用 | 计算机工程 | 2017,43 (9), 172-178 |
52 | 刘仲奎 卢博(第1研究生) 刘仲奎 | 论文 | A2 | Cartan–Eilenberg Fp-Injective Complexes | J. Aust. Math. Soc. | 2017,103(3): 387-401 |
53 | 刘仲奎 张万儒(第1研究生) 刘仲奎 | 论文 | A2 | Special properties of the ring Sn(R) | J. Algebra Appl. | 2017,16(11), 1750212, 16 pp. |
54 | 路艳琼 | 论文 | A2 | Existence and multiplicity of solutions for discrete Neumann-Steklov problems with singular /phi- Laplacian | Advances in Difference Equations | 2016,312 1-18 |
55 | 马巧珍 姚晓斌(第1研究生) 马巧珍*,徐玲 | 论文 | A2 | Global Attractors For A Kirchhoff Type Plate Equation With Memory | Kodai Mathematical Journal | 2017,40, 63-78 |
56 | 马巧珍 姚晓斌(第1研究生) 马巧珍* | 论文 | A2 | Global Attractors of the Extensible Plate Equations with Nonlinear Damping and Memory | Journal of Function Spaces https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/4896161 | 2017, Article ID 4896161, 10 pages |
57 | 马巧珍 刘亭亭(第1研究生) 马巧珍* | 论文 | A2 | 非自治Plate方程时间依赖强拉回吸引子的存在性 | 数学年刊 | 2017,38A(2): 125-144 |
58 | 马巧珍*,徐玲 | 论文 | A2 | Random attractors for the coupled suspension bridge equations with white noises | Applied Mathematics and Computation | 2017,306: 38-48 |
59 | 马如云 徐嫚(第1研究生) 马如云* | 论文 | A2 | On a fourth order boundary value problem at resonance | Journal of Function Spaces ISSN: 2314-8896 | Volume 2017, Article ID 2641856, 7 pages. |
60 | 马如云 王进祥(第1研究生) 马如云* | 论文 | A2 | Reversed S-shaped connected component for a fourth-order boundary value problem | Advances in Difference Equations ISSN: 1687-1847 | 2017:113, 1-11 |
61 | 马如云 王进祥(第1研究生) 马如云*,温瑾 | 论文 | A2 | S-Shaped Connected Component for Nonlinear Fourth-Order Problem of Elastic Beam Equation | Journal of Function Spaces ISSN: 2314-8896 | Volume 2017, Article ID 1069491, 8 pages |
62 | 马如云*,高红亮 | 论文 | A2 | Multiple positive solutions for a class of semipositone Neumann problems with singular | Acta Mathematica Scientia ISSN: 0252-9602 | 2017,37B(5): 1472-1482. |
63 | 马如云*,高红亮, 陈天兰 | 论文 | A2 | Radial positive solutions for Neumann problems without growth restrictions | Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, ISSN: 1747-6933 | 2017,62(6), 848-861 |
64 | 马如云*,王进祥, 闫东亮 | 论文 | A2 | The method of lower and upper solutions for fourth order equations with Navier condition | Boundary Value problems ISSN: 1687-2770 | (2017) 2017: 152 |
65 | 缪树鑫 | 论文 | A2 | A new Uzawa-type method for saddle point problems | Applied Mathematics and Computation, ISSN:0096-3003 | 2017,300 95-102 2017.5.1 |
66 | 杨明华,孙晋易* | 论文 | A2 | Gevrey class regularity of solutions to the Nernst-Planck-Poisson equations with generalized dissipation | Applicable Analysis ISSN:0003-6811; DOI:10.1080/00036811.2016.1197912 | 2017, 96(11): 1799-1829 2016.07.11 |
67 | 杨明华,孙晋易 | 论文 | A2 | Spatial Analyticity of Solutions to Keller–Segel Equation of Parabolic–Elliptic Type | Results in Mathematics ISSN:1422-6383; DOI:10.1007/s00025-017-0741-1 | 2017, 2(4): 1653-1681 2017.12.1 |
68 | 孙晋易*,杨明华, 崔尚斌 | 论文 | A2 | Existence and analyticity of mild solutions for the 3D rotating Navier-Stokes equations | Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, ISSN:0373-3114; DOI:10.1007/s10231-016-0613-4 | 2017,196(4): 1203-1229 2017.08 |
69 | 陶双平 逯光辉(第1研究生) 陶双平* | 论文 | A2 | Generalized Morrey Spaces over Non-homogeneous Metric Measure Spaces | Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society | 2017,103(2): 268-278 |
70 | 陶双平 逯光辉(第1研究生) 陶双平* | 论文 | A2 | Commutators of Littlewood-Paley $g^{*}_{/kappa}$-Functions on Non-homogeneous Metric Measure Spaces | Open Mathematics | 2017,15: 1283-1299 |
71 | 陶双平 杨沿奇(第1研究生) 陶双平* | 论文 | A2 | Weak Estimates of Singular Integrals with Variable Kernel and Fractional Differentiation on Morrey-Herz Spaces | Journal of Function Spaces | vol. 2017, Article ID 4340805, 11 pages |
72 | 汪璇 张玉宝(第1研究生) 汪璇*,高承华 | 论文 | A2 | Strong global attractors for nonclassical diffusion equation with fading memory | Advances in Difference Equations | 2017:163, 14 pages |
73 | 汪璇,段奋霞,胡弟弟 | 论文 | A2 | Attractors for a class of abstract evolution equations with fading memory | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | Volume 2017, Article ID 1410408, 16 pages |
74 | 杨璐,汪璇 | 论文 | A2 | Existence of Attractors for The Non-Autonomous Berger Equation with Nonlinear Damping | Electronic Journal of Differential Equations | 2017(278): 1-14 |
75 | 王才士*,陈金淑 | 论文 | A2 | A characterization of operators on functionals of discrete-time normal martingales | Stochastic Analysis and Applications | 2017, 35(2) 305-316 |
76 | 王才士*,王北平 | 论文 | A2 | Dirichlet Forms Constructed from Annihilation Operators on Bernoulli Functionals | Advances in Mathematical Physics | 2017 文献号: 8278161 |
77 | 肖鸿民,解淋 | 论文 | A2 | Asymptotic ruin probabilities of a dependent renewal risk model based on entrance processes with constant interest rate | Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods ISSN: 0361-0926 (Print); 1532-415X (Online) | DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2017.1390137 |
78 | 熊向团*,李金梅, 温瑾 | 论文 | A2 | Some Novel Linear Regularization Methods for A Deblurring Problem | Inverse Problems and Imaging doi:10.3934/ipi.2017019 | 2017,11(2) 403-426 |
79 | 熊向团*,马小军 | 论文 | A2 | A Backward Identification Problem for an Axis- Symmetric Fractional Diffusion Equation | Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, ISSN: 1392-6292 | 2017,22(3) 311-320 |
80 | 颜荣芳,游银萍, 李效虎 | 论文 | A2 | On bivariate ageing properties of exchangeable Farlie Gumbel Morgenstern distributions | Communications in Statistics- Theory and Methods DOI:10.1080/03610926.2017.1285927 | 2017,46(23): 11843-11853 20170829 |
81 | 杨和 | 论文 | A2 | Approximate controllability of fractional nonlocal evolution equations with multiple delays | Advances in Difference Equations | 2017 |
82 | 杨和 | 论文 | A2 | Coupled fixed point theorems with applications to fractional evolution equations | Advances in Difference Equations | 2017 |
83 | 杨和, Elyasa Ibrahim 马瑾 | 论文 | A2 | Hybrid fixed point theorems with application to fractional evolution equations | Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, ISSN 1661-7738 | 2017,13(1) DOI 10.1007/ s11784-017-0449-6 |
84 | 杨晓燕 王超*(第1研究生) 杨晓燕 | 论文 | A2 | (Strongly) Gorenstein injective modules over upper triangular matrix Artin algebras | Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal | 2017,67(142), 1031-1048 |
85 | 杨晓燕 刘妍平(第1研究生) 刘仲奎,杨晓燕* | 论文 | A2 | Complete flat resolutions, Tate homology and the depth formula | Kodai Mathematical Journal | 2017,40(1) 1-15 |
86 | 杨晓燕,曹天涯 | 论文 | A2 | Cotorsion Pairs in CN(A ) | Algebra Colloquium | 24(2017) 577-602 |
87 | 杨晓燕,王志成 | 论文 | A2 | Proper resolutions and Gorensteinness in triangulated categories | Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics | 47(2017) 1013-1053 |
88 | 张国宝 | 论文 | A2 | Non-monotone traveling waves and entire solutions for a delayed nonlocal dispersal equation | Applicable Analysis | 2017,96 1830-1866 |
89 | 张国宝 田歌(第1研究生) 张国宝*,杨兆星 | 论文 | A2 | Stability of nonmonotone critical traveling waves for spatially discrete reaction-diffusion equations with time delay | Turkish Journal of Mathematics | 2017,41: 655-680 |
90 | 张国宝 杨兆星(第1研究生) 张国宝,田歌, Zhaosheng Feng | 论文 | A2 | Stability of non-monotone non-critical traveling waves in disctete reaction-diffusion equations with time delay | Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Series S | 2017,10 581-603 |
91 | 张国宝,马如云 | 论文 | A2 | Front-like entire solutions for delayed nonlocal dispersal equation with convolution type bistable nonlinearity | Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics | 2017,47 1355-1404 |
92 | 赵仁育,任伟 | 论文 | A2 | VW-Gorenstein complexes | Turkish Journal of Mathematics | 2017,41(3) 537-547 |
93 | 陈祥恩 苗婷婷(第1研究生) 王治文,陈祥恩 | 论文 | B | Cm∨Cn,Cm∨Wn,Cm∨Fn的点可区别Ⅰ-全染色和点可区别Ⅵ-全染色 | 厦门大学学报(自然科学版) | 2017,56(6): 870-875 |
94 | 陈祥恩 何玉萍(第1研究生) 王治文,陈祥恩* | 论文 | B | mC7的点可区别全染色 | 吉林大学学报(理学版) | 2017,55 (3): 531-536 |
95 | 陈祥恩 何玉萍(第1研究生) 王治文,陈祥恩 | 论文 | B | mC8的点可区别全染色 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2017,52(10): 24-30 |
96 | 陈祥恩 苗婷婷(第1研究生) 王治文,陈祥恩 | 论文 | B | 圈与路联图的点可区别Ⅰ-全染色和点可区别Ⅵ-全染色 | 大连理工大学学报 | 2017,57(4): 430-435 |
97 | 陈祥恩*,李婷, 王治文 | 论文 | B | 一类含有4-圈的单圈图一般点可区别全染色 | 大连理工大学学报 | 2017,57(3): 316–320 |
98 | 陈祥恩,苗婷婷, 王治文 | 论文 | B | 两条路的联图的点可区别I-全染色 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2017, 52(4): 30–33 |
99 | 杜小妮 万韫琦(第1研究生) 杜小妮 | 论文 | B | 基于广义多项式商的二元序列线性复杂度研究 | 密码学报 | 2017, 4(1): 79–84 |
100 | 冯德成,王晓艳, 高玉峰 | 论文 | B | 基于Y函数的条件N-弱鞅的最大 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2017,52(2): 91-96 |
101 | 冯德成,张潇*, 周霖 | 论文 | B | 弱鞅的一类极小值不等式 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2017,52(8): 65-69 |
102 | 伏升茂 胡晓丽(第1研究生) 伏升茂* | 论文 | B | 带Lotka-Volterra互惠源的多种群趋化模型的稳定性 | 系统科学与数学 | 2017,37(6): 1541-1554. |
103 | 高承华 耿天梅(第1研究生) 高承华*,张飞 | 论文 | B | 带变号格林函数的三阶三点差分方程 边值问题的多解性 | 四川大学学报(自然科学版), ISSN: 0490-6756, DOI: 103696/ j.issn.o490-6756.2017.01.006 | 2017,54(1): 35-42 |
104 | 巩增泰,寇旭阳, | 论文 | B | 集值函数关于模糊测度Choquet积分的表示和积分原函数性质 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2017,52(8) 1-10 |
105 | 韩晓玲 杨小娟(第1研究生) 韩晓玲* | 论文 | B | 分数阶非线性微分方程初值问题的上下解方法 | 吉林大学学报(理学版) | 2017,55(2) 230-234 |
106 | 韩晓玲 陈彩龙(第1研究生) 韩晓玲* | 论文 | B | 分数阶周期边值问题的上下解方法 | 吉林大学学报(理学版) | 2017,53(3): 495-499 |
107 | 韩晓玲 达举霞(第1研究生) 韩晓玲* | 论文 | B | 奇异四阶三点边值问题正解的存在性 | 四川大学学报(自然科学版) | 2017,54(3) 441-446 |
108 | 韩晓玲 陈彩龙(第1研究生) 韩晓玲* | 论文 | B | 分数阶常微分方程多点边值问题的上下解方法 | 四川大学学报(自然科学版) | 2017,54(1): 43-46 |
109 | 韩晓玲 杨小娟(第1研究生) 韩晓玲* | 论文 | B | 一类带积分边值条件的分数阶微分方程多个正解的存在性 | 陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 2017,45(6), 1-4 |
110 | 韩晓玲 杨小娟(第1研究生) 韩晓玲* | 论文 | B | 一类分数阶非线性微分包含初值问题的可解性 | 浙江大学学报(理学版) | 2017,44(3) 287-291 |
111 | 李永祥 朱俐玫(第1研究生) 李永祥 | 论文 | B | 二阶多时滞微分方程周期解的存在性 | 吉林大学学报(理学版) | 2017, 55(5): 1077-1083 |
112 | 李永祥,史静文 | 论文 | B | 弯曲弹性梁方程的一个存在性结果 | 兰州大学学报(自然科学版) | 2017, 53(2): 121-125 |
113 | 刘建成 米蓉(第1研究生) 刘建成* | 论文 | B | 球面上k-极值子流形的特征值问题 | 吉林大学学报(理学版) | 2017, 55(6): 1437-1442 |
114 | 刘建成 文海燕(第1研究生) 刘建成 | 论文 | B | 伪黎曼空间型中具有常数量曲率的类空子流形 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2017,52(10) : 89-96 |
115 | 刘建成,董丹 | 论文 | B | de Sitter空间中完备类空子流形的余维数约化 | 兰州大学学报(自然科学版) | 2017,53(2): 249-252 |
116 | 刘信生 把丽娜(第1研究生) 刘倩,刘信生,姚兵* | 论文 | B | 完全二部图优美性质探索 | 大连理工大学学报 | 2017,57(6) 657-662 |
117 | 马国顺 | 论文 | B | 完全信息静态Cournot博弈模型的改进 | 统计与决策 | 2017,8,27-29 |
118 | 马巧珍 刘亭亭(第1研究生) 马巧珍* | 论文 | B | 带有非线性阻尼的非线性发展方程的时间依赖吸引子 | 四川大学学报(自然科学版) | 2017,54(5): 917-924 |
119 | 马巧珍 贾楠(第1研究生) 马巧珍* | 论文 | B | 非线性可拉伸梁方程的指数吸引子 | 吉林大学学报(理学版) | 2017,55(4): 839-844 |
120 | 马巧珍 刘世芳(第1研究生) 马巧珍* | 论文 | B | 具有历史记忆的阻尼吊桥方程强全局吸引子的存在性 | 数学物理学报 | 2017,37A(4): 684-697 |
121 | 马如云 闫东亮(第1研究生) 马如云* | 论文 | B | 带有导数项的Neumann问题正解的存在性 | 四川大学学报(自然科学版) ISSN:0490-6756 | 2017:54(6), 1136-1140 |
122 | 乔虎生,白永发 | 论文 | B | 逆S-系的对幺半群的刻画 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2017,52(2), 1-4,8 |
123 | 乔虎生,金文刚 | 论文 | B | 关于正则系是弱内射系的幺半群 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2017,52(10), 1-4 |
124 | 陶双平 陆强德(第1研究生) 陶双平* | 论文 | B | Calder/'{o}n-Zygmund 算子和分数次积分的交换子在齐型极大变指标~Lebesgue 空间上的有界性 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2017, 52(9): 54-68 |
125 | 陶双平 马宇勋(第1研究生) 陶双平* | 论文 | B | 一类变量核奇异积分交换子在~Morrey~空间中的紧性 | 吉林大学学报(理学版) | 2017, 55(4): 821-827 |
126 | 汪璇 张玉宝(第1研究生) 汪璇* | 论文 | B | 无阻尼弱耗散抽象发展方程的强全局吸引子 | 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 2017,(2): 8-19 |
127 | 汪璇,胡弟弟 | 论文 | B | 记忆型无阻尼抽象发展方程的时间依赖全局吸引子 | 吉林大学学报(理学版) | 2017, 55(4): 828-838 |
128 | 肖鸿民,刘爱玲,何艳 | 论文 | B | 相依赔付带投资的延迟风险模型的极限性质 | 兰州大学学报(自然科学版) | 2017,53(5), 696-705 |
129 | 杨晓燕 孙彦中(第1研究生) 杨晓燕 | 论文 | B | 相对于半对偶模的Gorenstein AC-投射模 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2017, 52(10): 31-35,41 |
130 | 张文汇 李雪妍(第1研究生) 张文汇* | 论文 | B | W -Gorenstein 平坦模类的稳定性 | 兰州大学学报(自然科学版) | 2017, 53(2) 235-240 |
131 | 赵仁育,马鹏举 | 论文 | B | DC-Projective Dimension of Complexes | Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications | 2017,37(5) 535-542 |